My philosophic boy

Well, to be honest, that’s a huge lie…..

Bordercollie – philosophic, no way….

But in these photos he actually looks that way, calm and satisfied. He really likes to sit on this little jetty and look out over the lake. And then of course, I have to take the opportunity to perpetuate this rare moment.

My darling dog, Filip, 7 years old, and actually quite happy!


Lomo LC-A
Fuji Neopan Acros 100
Tmax developer 1:4

Lomo LC-A
Fuji Neopan Acros 100
Tmax developer 1:4

24 thoughts on “My philosophic boy

  1. Border collies can look amazingly philosophical, but I suspect that most of the philosophy consists of ‘ways to get something to eat’. Filip looks like a real prince! I like that almost graphic quality of the out-of-focus area in the first picture.

    • Lol! Yes, he is actually not that interested of finding food on his own, my guess is that he is content just because he knows exactly where I and my other two dogs are at the moment. We are his herd, and when we’re out he has taken on the job to keep us all together, even though I’m his leader. He has a very tough work, the other two are sheltie girls, also herding dogs, AND girls, and they don’t like at all being herded by him! 😀
      Thank you B!
      I like that area very much too! I guess I had set a large aperture to get that shallow dof, this little camera never stop surprising me, it is awesome!

  2. I’m impressed you can get your collie to sit still at all. My border collie doesn’t understand ‘calm’. Lovely photo’s.

    • Hehe, mine didn’t do that either until he was about 4+.. Selective hearing, oh yes!
      This is our mantra; “We take it easy and it will be okay”. “We take it easy and it will be okay”….. and so on and on and on….. 😀
      Thank you John!

    • Yes, it is kinda nice to see my dog so calm and relaxed in a photo, irl he stays in this mood for just seconds, but here he looks very pleased for some reason… 🙂
      Thank you very much for your kind comment. Have a great sunday!

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – MINE « Shimmering Grains

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