Isle of Arran, Scotland

In this gallery you can see images from my trip to Isle of Arran, Scotland.

24 thoughts on “Isle of Arran, Scotland

  1. Pingback: A little journal from my best trip ever… | Shimmering Grains

  2. As soon as this page started opening, I was captivated….oh wow, was my first reaction, secondly the compositions and thirdly the light……….if I had to choose a couple of favourites, they would be images 2 and 4, but really I do not want to choose.

    • Thank you James, you are so kind!
      To be honest, I could not either, not before this fantastic workshop, I can really recommend to do it. It opened my eyes! 😊

  3. If i was still in the UK then i would certainly consider it. Unfortunately i am living in China at the moment. But when i move home i will definitely consider it! Thanks for the recommendation!

  4. Pingback: From the blue hour, just after sunset… | Shimmering Grains

  5. Pingback: A blue blue world….. | Shimmering Grains

  6. Marie, I’ve just bought a Hasselblad myself and am moving back to film. just can’t get used to these digital monsters.

    Seeing your pictures gave me a shock: wow, this was the right thing to do. I’ll be more than glad when I manage to take pictures that have half the quality of yours, beautiful and touching.


    • Thank you very very much for your kind words! I’m sorry for a very late answer, but I haven’t been able to answer you until now…..
      Well yes, I felt the same about digital, nothing wrong with it, but it just didn’t give me the right feeling either, so going back to film was my best photographic choice ever, and if course my darkroom, even though I need more time to work in it. But some day…..
      I wish you all the luck with your going back to film, and enjoy the almost reborn film photography revival! 😊

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