If you feel bored, do something new!

If you’re having one of “those days”, the weather sucks, your energy is running low, or you’re just feeling bored, do something new!
If you’re longing for warmth, do as I did, load your camera with redscale film, and go out and make some quirky doubles.
Or if it is a very blue day, load your camera with tungsten film, it will go dark purple if you underexpose it slightly.
Set your meter to double box speed if you want to make doubles, three steps for tripples, and so on…

I went to a garden store and asked them if it was okey to take photos there, and it was, so I exposed one roll of redscale film with images of flowers. Then I reloaded the film and for the second layer I just took random images.
Here are some of the results. I call them Flower Power! You can also see them in my gallery “Redscale”.
Enjoy, and have fun!   🙂

Lomo LC-A+ Lomography Redscale XR 50-200

Lomo LC-A+
Lomography Redscale XR 50-200


Lomo LC-A+ Lomography Redscale XR 50-200 Developed at home in Tetenal Colortec C41

Lomo LC-A+
Lomography Redscale XR 50-200
Developed at home in Tetenal Colortec C41

Lomo LC-A+ Lomography Redscale XR 50-200 Developed at home in Tetenal Colortec C41

Lomo LC-A+
Lomography Redscale XR 50-200
Developed at home in Tetenal Colortec C41

Lomo LC-A+ Lomography Redscale XR 50-200 Developed at home in Tetenal Colortec C41

Lomo LC-A+
Lomography Redscale XR 50-200
Developed at home in Tetenal Colortec C41

Flower Power 5



25 thoughts on “If you feel bored, do something new!

  1. Lovely doubles! Redscale always looks so great when doing double exposures. Especially your second shot looks superb. 🙂

  2. Marie… du får ursäkta mitt uttryck – men detta är snuskigt bra!!

    Skulle kunna skriva en längre kommentar än så… men trött och lite sjuklig.


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